Information Economy Strategy - All Consultation Responses

Post: 26 June 2013

Several months ago the Department for Business, Innovation & Skills (BIS) ran a public consultation on a new Information Economy Strategy for the UK. This is part of the broader UK industrial strategy announced by Secretary of State Vince Cable in September 2012.

BIS released a summary of the consultation responses in late May, and the Information Economy Strategy itself in mid-June.

Further to a request under the Freedom of Information Act, BIS has provided me with a copy of all written responses to the Information Economy Strategy consultation. Some personal data (i.e. the names of individuals) has been redacted but the responses are otherwise complete.

I am putting the responses on the web in case anyone wants to mine them for business insights or has any other interest in the detail of this consultation.

There are 69 responses collected in a spreadsheet. There are also five responses provided by BIS as separate documents due to their length (from amee, Bird & Bird LLP, BlackBerry, Ctrl-Shift and Google).

I have lightly reformatted the spreadsheet and one of the other documents. You can also download the raw release as received from BIS.


Below for convenience is an alphabetised list of the organisations of the respondents, matched to the unique IDs in the BIS spreadsheet. (Note that in some instances individuals have responded in a personal capacity.)

Additionally the spreadsheet includes six responses from unnamed and unaffiliated individuals (4, 10, 20, 28, 30 and 40), and one duplicate response (65).


Update: I’ve added a follow-up post that picks out some comments about open data from the consultation responses.